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Decayed central incisors

Published on:2018-11-25

    With black patches appearing in between two central incisors, it generally indicates that you’re suffering from dental caries. Can dental filling be sought for such case? Is it hard to fix the problem?

    According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, caries between two incisors is known as proximal caries, requiring timely treatment.

    When it comes to what kind of treatment you need, it varies depending on the severity of your case. 

    In mild cases when decay happens only on the layer of enamel or dentin, it’s a dental filling procedure that will be conducted commonly. The procedure refers to removing all eroded tooth tissues and preparing a hole for composite resin fillings. 

    If the cavity is so bad that it has reached pulp chamber and periapical tissues, you will need a root canal therapy which involves the devitalization of dental pulp. 

    With a right shade picked, composite resin filling can yield a really sound result. It seems so natural that others may hardly tell you have undergone a dental filling. It’s likely, however, to encounter falling-off of filling material over time since incisors serve to cut foods in daily practices. Nowadays, dental veneers and porcelain crowns can be alternatives as well. 

    Dental veneers are wafer-thin shells which are cemented on tooth surface after removing a thin layer of enamel to yield an aesthetic result, while crowns will be worn after removing a round of enamel. Comparatively speaking, veneer restorations require less abrasion of enamel than crowns. In terms of choosing a proper restorative way, you’d better consult with your dentist and take his/her suggestion into consideration. Efforts should be made to save as much natural tooth tissues as possible.  Relevant article: Black lines on teeth

    Whenever there is dental caries, you have to seek proper treatment in a timely manner, since tooth cavities won’t grow back by itself and treatment delay will only make things worse. 

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)