Published on:2018-12-15
Tooth cavity, also known as dental caries, are caused by bacterial infection. As we know, tooth enamel cannot regenerate. Therefore, only timely and proper treatment can stop the progression of a tooth cavity. What methods do we have to deal with dental caries? Is the treatment hurt?
Actually, the treatment plan for tooth cavity varies from one case to another, depending on its severity. First of all, it’s a thorough check-up that should be carried out to see the depth and width of the cavity. Then your dentist are supposed to developed a customized plan based on the exam result.
1.Mild or moderate caries which remains on the outer enamel or middle dentin layer.
There may be no pain at all, or tiny pain while being irritated. That’s why caries in this stage is often ignored. In such cases, a simple dental filling procedure will be enough to fix the problem. It refers to removing all eroded tissues and filling the hole. The procedure is quite affordable, generally costing a few hundred yuan.
2.Severe caries which has reached the pulp chamber.
With the spread of infection to dental nerves, chances are that there will be pulpitis and even periapical periodontitis. Generally speaking, fits of excruciating pain will come along with it, which are set to be worse in the evenings. And painkillers are of little help to mitigate the situation. Under such circumstances, you have to visit a dentist for a full examination as soon as possible. Normally it’s a root canal therapy that will be required. It involves the removal of eroded tissues and the devitalization of dental nerves, followed by gutta-percha filling. The procedure will be harder to operate and may cost roughly several thousand yuan. It’s suggested to seek a crown restoration after the RCT, for the sake of both protection and mastication. Relevant article: The result of leaving cavities untreated
When it comes to whether there is pain during the treatment, it depends. There is no pain at the early stage of a tooth cavity. Nor is there any pain during the simple filling procedure. When the caries-causing bacteria successfully make their way to the pulp chamber, there will be pain. During the root canal therapy, you may feel tiny pain as well, but local anesthesia will be applied. No pain should be expected after a properly done RCT. In brief, when there are tooth cavities, the earlier you seek treatment, the less pain you will suffer and the less it will cost.
Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)