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Wisdom teeth that should be removed

Published on:2018-12-14

    Because of their latest eruptions and backmost positions, wisdom teeth are usually susceptible to impaction, infection, caries and other dental issues. In such cases it is an extraction that will be required. What type of wisdom tooth require extraction? Is it hard to operate? How much will it cost?

    According to dentists from AKJ Dental hospital, it’s fine to keep your wisdom teeth in mouth if they erupt fully in desirable places, which nonetheless is rather rare in clinical practices. Most of them are in need of a removal. It’s suggested to get rid of your wisdom teeth as soon as possible in the following cases. 

    1.Decayed wisdom teeth

    Since wisdom teeth are not functionally important, you can seek an extraction instead of a dental filling if caries happens to them. What’s more, you don’t need to seek a dental prosthesis for it afterwards as well.

    2.Wisdom teeth that lead to decayed adjacent teeth

     There will be formation of a dead corner if wisdom teeth incline to their neighbors — the second molars. It’s quite hard to reach and thorough clean the corner. Over time there will be food debris and bacteria stuck there, leading to eroded second molars. Unlike wisdom teeth, second molars play a critical role in mastication. Therefore, you have to seek proper treatment to save them after removing wisdom teeth.

    3.Wisdom teeth without a counterpart in the other arch

    It means that there are wisdom teeth in lower jaw but not in upper jaw, and vice versa. No matter the wisdom teeth erupt fully in the right places or not, a normal occlusal relationship can hardly be achieved under such circumstance. 

    4.Wisdom teeth frequently suffer from inflammation and pain.

    This commonly happens to impacted wisdom teeth which erupt partially or totally bury themselves in gums. In general, it will result in swelling of surrounding tissues and cause trouble in both eating and speaking. In the long run, it’s set to cast an impact on your daily life.

    As we know, it’s harder to remove wisdom teeth than to extract the rest, resulting from their complicated eruptions. In addition, wisdom teeth are usually located very close to nerves, which raises the difficulty of the surgery. Without proper operation, there may be collateral damage. Therefore, it would be advisable to have the dental work done by an experienced and skillful dentist, in order to ensure a professional result. 

    The number of wisdom teeth varies from person to person, ranging from zero to four. You cannot seek to extract them all in one visit. It’s suggested to extract one or two on the same side during one visit, which won’t cast a large impact on your normal dinning process. Some may wonder whether the removal of wisdom teeth will make their face appear thinner or not. Well, that’s not the case. 

    When it comes to the cost, it varies as well depending on the specific eruption of the wisdom teeth. The harder the operation is, the higher the price will be. Typically, it may cost you a few hundred or more than ten hundred to remove one wisdom tooth. You can take a check-up first and consult with your dentist to get an exact price. Relevant article: Why aching wisdom tooth cannot be extracted?

    By the way, the process of removing wisdom teeth is almost painless with local anesthesia applied. As the anesthetic effect fades away after the surgery, it’s normal to have pain and swelling, which will see improvement within a few days. You’d better follow your dentist’s instructions and carry out good aftercare. 

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)