Published on:2018-12-24
Dental caries is a very common issue faced by children. It will not only take a toll on their personal image, but also lay an impact on the development of their confidence. In most cases, frequent consumption of sugary foods and poor oral hygiene are the culprits. With food debris stuck in between teeth, it will fuel the growth of bacteria which are set to eat away tooth enamel gradually.
Pit and fissure sealant is a procedure that serves to prevent caries. When is a good timing to conduct it?
Since molars serve a major function of grinding foods, they are more likely to have tiny fissures on their occlusal surfaces. Without effective cleaning, the fissures will unexpectedly turn out to house food debris and bacteria, resulting in tooth decay ultimately. If there is a way to sever the direct contact between teeth and food debris, it will be helpful to prevent the occurrence of caries to a certain degree. This is the guiding principle of pit and fissure sealant procedure.
To put it simply, the procedure refers to sealing the deep fissures on molars with resin sealant, with a view to shield the teeth from the invasion of food debris. By doing so, there will be less and harder accumulation of food debris. Besides, the teeth cleaning will all the easier. And the chance of getting caries is therefore lowered.
Is the procedure very complicated? Will it take a long period of time to finish the procedure? Well, the procedure can be completed within one visit. With children well cooperating, it only takes a few minutes to conduct the procedure. To avoid the long period of waiting time, you’d better book an appointment with your dentist in advance.
When it comes to the price, it generally costs a few hundred yuan for sealing one molar. It’s suggested to seek the dental work from a professional dental hospital which is equipped with experienced dentists and advanced instruments, to ensure a successful and desirable result.
In general, fit and fissure sealant is sought for the permanent first molars which erupt around the age of eleven or twelve. If children are able to cooperate, the procedure can also be sought for the deciduous first molars at the age of three or four. As we know, it works well to prevent dental caries. However, it does not mean that there will be no tooth cavities after fit and fissure sealant procedure. If the sealing material accidentally falls out afterwards, or there is always poor oral hygiene, chances are that you may still get cavities. So, it’s necessary to schedule regular check-ups monitoring the condition of the sealing.
According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, prevention is better than cure. It’s of great significance to take care of your teeth since childhood, including forming a good oral habit of brushing and rinsing. What’s more, dental examinations should be arranged regularly as well to early detect potential problems and have them fixed in time. Relevant article: When to seek pit and fissure sealing
Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)