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Pit and fissure sealant promotes caries?

Published on:2019-2-15

    As is known, pit and fissure sealant procedure is performed to prevent dental caries for children. However, there are opposite voices that such procedure will promote caries and impair teeth. Is that true?

    Of course not. Pit and fissure sealant won’t accelerate tooth erosion. By contrast, it works to prevent caries effectively. By now the procedure has been adopted widely across the world in caries prevention.

    It refers to applying a layer of sealant material over occlusal surface to shield teeth from the invasion of caries-causing bacteria. The procedure itself won’t do any harm to tooth tissues. 

    Why pit and fissure sealant is needed?

    In general, there is presence of numerous pits and fissures on molars which are hard to clean and susceptible to food entrapment. As a result, it’s more likely to have cavities at these places. As is reported, more than 90% of caries for teenagers happen at fits and fissures. With the procedure applied, the risk of pit and fissure caries can drop greatly.

    Please be noted that the procedure doesn’t insulate you from tooth cavities, in that it only protect the teeth which are covered by the sealant. Without good oral hygiene, there is still a good chance of developing caries of other teeth.

    In addition, the sealant may confront tear and wear over time because of their direct contact with foods. For those with relatively shallow fits and fissures or who eat hard foods often, the applied sealant may prone to falling-out. Therefore, parents should book a review appointment for their children about three months after the procedure. Repair or repeat the procedure if necessary.

    For sure, a pit and fissure sealant procedure cannot protect you from dental caries for a lifetime. What really matters is that you always maintain good oral hygiene and seek proper treatment whenever there are any dental issues.

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)