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What is post and core crown?

Published on:2019-12-3

Post and core crown is different from dental crown and dental bridge. It is a type of dental restoration required where there is an inadequate amount of sound tooth tissue remaining to retain a conventional crown.


This kind of restoration is often suggested by the dentist after a root canal treatment when the tooth is seriously broken and only tooth root is left. But what exactly is the procedure? Is it painful? These are what patients are concerned about.


What’s the procedure of post and crown restoration?

Most patients don’t receive root canal treatment until their teeth are seriously damaged by cavities with only a small part of tissue left. In this case, a simple dental crown is not able to restore the functionality of the tooth, because the crown is unable to withstand the chewing force, and easy to fall off once the tooth fractures. At this moment, post and core crown is needed.


To put it simple, post and crown restoration involves putting a post in the root-canaled tooth (it is hollow as the pulp is removed), and placing a crown on the post. The post, as a replacement of the missing tooth tissue, can reinforce the tooth and help it function normally. Generally speaking, the procedure is performed one week after root canal treatment.


There are three commonly-used posts, fiber post, metal post and ceramic post.


① Fiber post can only used when there is sufficient tooth tissue remaining, and no change in direction is needed.

② Metal post has high strength, and some are even stronger than natural tooth root. Thus chances are that the tooth root may fracture while the post remains safe after chewing solid food.

③ Ceramic post doesn’t interfere with MRI and other examinations, as it contains no metal. Besides, it looks aesthetic in the same color as the natural teeth. However, it is easy to break after biting on something hard because of its brittle nature.


Is it painful?

The procedure won’t generate pain or discomfort, because it is performed following root canal treatment. Sometimes 1- or 2-week observation is required before restoration if the dental condition is not ascertained after root canal treatment. But it is assured that the process is painless if the root canal treatment is well done.


Moreover, it is performed on a pulpless tooth which cannot give pain, so no anesthesia is needed, and there’s no need to worry about pain in the surgery. But the important thing to note after restoration is that you may need to avoid hard foods to protect the post and crown. Just keep in mind, it is important to follow the dentist’s instruction to take good care of the restored tooth.