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Routine Scale & Polish

Published on:2019-11-5

Can a scale and polish remove all dental calculus? How many times you need to go through a scale and polish will depend on the treatment arranged by your dentist. Let's take a look at the procedures of a scale and polish so you can get a better understanding.


A professional clean above the gum line is what we usually refer to as a scale and polish. A dentist or dental hygienist removes all the plaque and tartar above and below the gum line, making sure to clean all the way down to the bottom of the pocket.


Can a scale & polish remove all dental calculus in one go?

In most cases the majority of patients can have dental calculus removed in one appointment. With the use of ultrasonic scaling and the high-speed ultrasonic waves which can breakdown the dental calculus above the gum line and between the teeth.

For patients that drink and smoke regularly after a scale and polish then there is also the need for dental sandblasting to remove the staining on the surface of the teeth.


Long overdue dental calculus removal will need more than one scale & polish!

Dental calculus can also be found below the gum line and will create pockets between the gums and teeth which will accumulate even more plaque. Using ultrasonic scaling and dental sandblasting only removes dental calculus above the gum line, for cleaning below the gum line scaling and root planing is often used.

After a scale polish a dentist will advise if there is a need for scaling below the gum line. The dentist will use a probe to test for the pocket depth, a depth of more than 4mm will require a second scale and polish to be done to clean below the gum line to remove the dental calculus to ensure the health of the gums.