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How to Deal With Years-long Halitosis?

Published on:2018-9-6

    Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is no strange to many people. Temporary bad breath can be caused by the consumption of food with pungent smell like garlic and onion, which is set to disappear soon. If bad breath lasts for a long time, however, a thorough check-up will be required to nail down the underlying cause and proper treatment should be sought accordingly. 

    According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, halitosis does not always result from dental issues, it can also be a result of some systematic diseases. A confirmed diagnosis can be accessible following a full examination. 

    Such systematic problems as gastritis and oesophagitis can lead to bad breath, which should seek proper treatment from the gastroenterology department in hospitals. While mostly it’s caused by dental issues for sure including gingivitis, periodontitis, caries and unfitted prosthesis. 

    Take tooth cavity as an example, it will be prone to get food debris stuck. The accumulation of food debris over time coupled with its interaction with bacteria, is set to release bad odor. It’s suggested to have cavities filled as soon as possible to get rid of pathogenic bacteria and prevent them from getting larger. If it’s gingivitis and periodontitis that are the culprit, then a professional cleaning should be sought to remove dental plaque and tartar. If the bad odor comes from injured dental prosthesis sought previously, then you had better return to your dentist and have it repaired or replaced in time. 

    Additionally, it’s important that you maintain good oral hygiene all the time, including brushing twice and flossing once a day, and rinsing mouth after every meal. Bear in mind to practice brushing in a right way, otherwise your efforts may well just go in vain. It would be advisable to seek timely and proper treatment if you are confronted by any dental issues. Relevant article: Home Remedies to Beat Bad Breath

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)