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White Spots on Children’s teeth

Published on:2018-9-8

    Quite a few mothers will be very nervous when they find white spots on their children’s teeth, worrying that it’s caused by a lack of certain nutrients or some diseases. According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, there is no need to be extremely nervous. Since there are various potential causes, you may as well seek a thorough examination to gain a confirmed diagnosis. 

    In terms of dental issue, there are generally two causes accounting for such condition.

    First, enamel hypocalcification. It’s majorly a result of some hazardous impact during the development of teeth. To improve that, proper cosmetic restoration can be sought after the completion of teeth development. Meanwhile, it’s important that you maintain good oral hygiene all the time, avoiding the attachment of pigment and bacteria to teeth and thus preventing dental caries. 

    Second, early stage of dental caries. Generally speaking, tooth cavities start from the demineralization of tooth enamel, demonstrated as rough white spots on the surface which will turn into black gradually. Parents tend to misjudge them as pigment accumulation and leave them alone. So it’s necessary to seek a professional evaluation from a dentist. If it’s the syndrome of dental caries, proper treatment should be sought in a timely manner. The sooner you have the cavities filled, the better.

    With a view to reduce the risk of developing such problems mentioned above, parents are expected to teach their children a right brushing method and help them develop good oral habits including brushing twice a day and rinsing mouth after every meal or enjoying milk and sugar. Besides, such measures as using toothpaste containing fluoride, fluoride application or pit and fissure sealing work well to prevent dental caries. Relevant article: How to Prevent Dental Caries for Children

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180).