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How to Handle Large Cavities?

Published on:2018-9-17

    As is known, cariogenic bacteria inside mouth will eat away tooth enamel and create holes which are called dental caries or cavities. Generally such bacteria will see a fast reproduction and continue to erode your teeth if let alone. Therefore, it’s suggested to have cavities filled in a timely manner. Some may wonder if dental filling can be sought for large cavities.

    According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, there are different methods available to fix tooth cavities. Which treatment you need exactly depends on the severity of your case. 

    If the cavities haven’t reached the pulp tissues yet, even quite large, you can still seek dental filling procedure to fix it. Dentists will apply proper filling material to fill the holes after removing the eroded tissues, which aims to restore both the contour and function of tooth. Dental filling is a rather simple and inexpensive procedure. 

    In cases where the cavities are superficially small but actually very deep, tests about the vitality of dental pulp should be run following the removal of eroded tissues. If the caries hasn’t infected the pulp, then appropriate base material and filling material will be applied in sequence to solve the problem. If the pulp tissues have been infected, however, then it’s a root canal therapy that should be conducted. Endodontic therapy refers to cleaning and shaping the root canals of the unhealthy tooth, followed by the restoration with gutta-purcha and a crown. Relevant article: Can Tooth Cavity Grow Back by Itself?

    In most cases, tooth cavities, be it small or large, can be fixed with different dental procedures. Only when there are only residual roots left, meaning that the tooth is no longer reparable, then you have to seek an extraction and subsequent proper dental replacement. So it’s important that you seek proper treatment to fill tooth cavities in time, preventing bigger problems down the road.

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)