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Pain after wearing a porcelain crown

Published on:2018-11-10

    A procedure of crown wearing can be completed within a rather short period. Besides, it’s also quite affordable to most people. However, it’s not that recommend to seek crown restoration if there are other options, since it requires enamel abrasion upfront in order to hold the crown in place. As is known, a crown should be sought following a root canal therapy (hereafter referred to as RCT) for protection. But there are some people suffering from pain after crown wearing. Why would that happen? 

    RCT refers to removing eroded tooth tissues and devitalizing dental nerves, followed by gutta-percha filling and a crown restoration. If the treated tooth experiences pain when biting, there are generally two possibilities. 

    For one thing, the previous RCT you have is a failure, meaning that the bacteria haven’t been completely removed. After wearing a crown, they continue to erode the tooth and go deeper to the root apex, resulting in inflammation and pain. Under such circumstance, it’s the removal of the crown and a secondary RCT that should be conducted to fix the problem.

    For another, poor care after the procedure leads to the damage of the tooth. For instance, biting hard foods with the treated tooth may cause fractured roots. A tooth experiencing RCT will definitely be more fragile than a natural one, that’s why a crown is required for protection. If fractured roots do happen, you have to seek another professional evaluation from you dentist to see whether or not the roots can still be saved. In most cases, it’s an extraction that will be needed. 

    With pain after crown wearing, it’s suggested to take an X-ray exam to find out the underlying cause and seek proper treatment accordingly. If the abutment tooth is inflamed, medicine alone won’t yield a good result. Besides, there may be a chance of missing the best timing for treatment.  Relevant article: Service life of teeth after RCT

    To be noted, it would be advisable to have the dental work done by an experienced and skillful dentist. Not like a filling procedure, RCT will be harder to operate. Follow your dentist’s instructions and cooperate well to have the procedure perfectly done. After all, the more times you undertake RCT, the more likely you will lose the tooth ultimately. 

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)