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Will an endodontically treated tooth function?

Published on:2018-11-13

    Endodontic treatment, also known as root canal therapy, requires removing eroded tissues and devitalizing dental nerves. Many people may worry that the tooth without nerves will not be able to function. 

    Well, that’s not the case. With nutrition supply severed, the tooth after RCT practically will be more fragile. But it can still function. If left untreated, however, the condition will continue to progress. Ultimately, it’s not a root canal therapy that you need. Instead you will end up losing the tooth. 

    Therefore, root canal therapy is not that scary. It helps to save your ill tooth and stop its continuous rot. You may as well seek the procedure in a timely manner if it’s needed. After a successful RCT, the tooth is set to be functional. As for its service life, it depends on both the technique of your dentist and your dental care after the treatment..  

    As mentioned above, an endodontically treated tooth will be more fragile and susceptible to fractures. That’s why it’s suggested a crown be worn after RCT for protection.

    If the treatment is not done perfectly, meaning that bacteria are not completely removed and continue to erode the periapical tissues, then you probably need to conduct the procedure again. The secondary RCT will be harder to perform and cost more accordingly. There is also a chance that your tooth cannot be saved any more and need an extraction. Take a thorough check-up and seek proper treatment whenever there’s something wrong with your tooth. 

    For a treated tooth to remain working for a long period of time, you are not supposed to use it to bite hard foods. Large occlusal force may lead to tooth fractures. It’s of great significance to form healthy dietary and dental habits. Relevant article: Pain after wearing a porcelain crown

    Though the process is quite complicated, RCT now has seen a wide clinical application and enjoyed a high success rate. Just follow your dentist’s instructions and cooperate well, for the sake of a sound result. Try your best efforts to save your teeth when they are still reparable. After all, no dental prosthesis is as good as a natural tooth. 

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)