Published on:2018-12-2
Without enough space for eruption, wisdom teeth may press their surrounding tissues. At times when human body is comparatively weak or there is bad oral hygiene, chances are that there will be inflammation which is known as pericoronitis of wisdom tooth. It may result in pain when biting or speaking, affecting normal daily practices.
When you come to seek an extraction, dentists inform you that the procedure cannot be conducted until the pain is gone. Why an aching wisdom tooth cannot be removed?
According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, swelling and pain around wisdom tooth mean that there is inflammation. With pericoronitis, food debris and dental plaque stuck around the wisdom tooth before are set to irritate gum tissues and speed up blood flow. If an extraction is conducted at the moment, there is a risk of severe bleeding as well as infection.
As we know, extraction will produce a wound. The presence of inflammation may have an impact on its healing process, and even lead to dry socket. The pain after the procedure will also be stronger.
To draw a conclusion, proper treatment should be sought to mitigate inflammation before performing an extraction. Relevant article: The removal of wisdom tooth
How to take care of your teeth after extraction?
By and large, you need to bite a gauze for about 30 minutes to stop bleeding after the procedure. No eating, brushing, rinsing and smoking within the first two hours. You are not allowed to do some strenuous exercise as well. Besides, do not spit quite often. As the anesthetic effect fades away, it’s normal to feel pain and discomfort, which will somewhat impact your dinning process. It’s suggested to eat some soft and fluid food at the beginning, and gradually change to your normal diet later.
For obvious pain, anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers can be taken for mitigation. Ice compress can be applied in the first two days, and hot compress from the third day, to help alleviate the swelling.
For partially erupted or impacted wisdom teeth, it would be advisable to seek an early extraction, with a view to prevent bigger problems down the road. Take an full examination and consult with your dentist whether an extraction is required in your case. Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem.