Published on:2018-10-28
Wisdom teeth generally erupt after the age of about 16, the last teeth to grow. Due to their backmost positions and late eruptions, it’s usually quite hard to find enough place for their development. That’s why most wisdom teeth are impacted and susceptible to pericoronitis, and ultimately require an extraction.
Compared with taking other teeth out, the removal of wisdom teeth, especially impacted ones, will be much more difficult to operate. It would be advisable to seek the dental work from a professional dental clinic which equips with advanced instruments as well as experienced and skillful dentists.
If you live in Shezhen, you can consider having it done in AKJ Dental Hospital which stays committed to offering excellent dental treatment and care for patients.
As a professional dental hospital, AKJ Dental enjoys various kinds of extraction apparatus, such as high-speed turbine and original luxator, making the process of tooth removal much easier and thus easing patients’ fear.
Headquartered near Luohu Railway Station, AKJ Dental has a dozen of clinics distributed across Shenzhen, including Futian, Nanshan and Luohu district. Patients are able to make appointments with the one close to them, for the sake of convenience. Besides, the transportation to each of our clinic is also very convenient, such as bus, subway and taxi. When it comes to wisdom teeth with a complicated eruption, it’s suggested to seek a consultation and have them extracted as soon as possible.
With local anesthesia applied, the process will be almost painless. Some pain and swelling after the extraction are considered normal, though. Today, mostly it’s an minimally invasive technique that will be used to remove wisdom teeth, leaving a small wound.
As for the price of the operation, it varies widely from case to case, depending on the complexity of their eruptions. It may range from several hundred to several thousand in Chinese currency. The exact number will be determined after a thorough check-up. Relevant article: Wisdom Teeth that Should be extracted
Additionally, if there’s pain and inflammation around wisdom teeth, it’s not appropriate to conduct the extraction immediately because there are chances of confronting infection and poor healing afterwards. Instead, proper treatment should be sought first to mitigate inflammation.
Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)