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How do regular dental braces cost?

Published on:2019-6-10

Teeth straighteners, also known as braces, can be classified into different types, such as lingual and labial braces, traditional, invisible and semi-invisible braces, etc.


1. Metal Braces (as the following picture shows)

Features: composed of brackets, archwire and connectors, it is affordable and easy to perform, suitable for those who prefer low cost. Durable and long-lasting though, metal braces are unsightly, and may rub against the inside of your mouth.

Price: 10,000 to 20,000 yuan


2. Ceramic Braces (as the following picture shows)

Features: ceramic braces, also known as semi-invisible braces, use ceramic brackets, more aesthetic than metal braces. It is suitable for those who request for both aesthetic appearance and affordable price.

Price: around 20,000 yuan


3. Self-ligating Braces (as the following picture shows)

Features: updated metal/ceramic braces with no use of connectors. It uses small metal doors as self-ligating mechanisms to hold wires, which can reduce the friction between the archwire and bracket, allowing for efficient and quicker treatments.

Price: depending on the material, the cost is about 7,000 to 8,000 yuan more than the metal braces or ceramic braces.


4. Invisible Braces (as the following picture shows)

Features: made of high molecular plastic material, it is invisible, sightly, comfortable and easy to remove. It must be worn for 20-22 hours per day, and can be taken off at meal time or tooth brushing time. This kind of braces are ideal for those who pursue convenience, aesthetics and comfort, and are relatively well-off.

Price: brands are optional (Chinese brand or imported brands). Price is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan on the lower side and 40,000 to 50,000 yuan on the higher side.


5. Lingual Braces (as the following picture shows)

Features: compared with the above labial braces, this kind of braces is placed behind the teeth, so it is invisible from outside. Moreover, lingual braces can ensure excellent treatment outcomes, suitable for those with economic strength who are demanding on aesthetics.

Price: different materials including gold are available. Price could be 60,000 to 70,000 yuan.


The above are the features and prices of regular dental braces. You can select the right one in line with your requirement. Please note, the braces are just a tool, and the key to success is finding a qualified orthodontist. 

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