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Can I Go To The Dentist When Pregnant?

Published on:2019-11-28

During pregnancy can you get your teeth treated? Do you have to put up with the pain of a toothache because you've been told you can't go to the dentist because you're pregnant? The answer is you can still visit the dentist when pregnant but certain types of treatment cannot be carried out.


A lot of women during their pregnancy suffer from dental problems but wait until they have given birth to visit the dentist because they are afraid of the harm it might do to their unborn child. Therefore, we suggest that prior to your pregnancy you should visit a dentist to sort out any dental problems.


Seeing a Dentist in Second Trimester of Pregnancy? 

There's a lot of articles online that state apart from the first trimester and third trimester it is safe to have some types of dental work done during the second trimester. The second trimester is considered the safest and most stable therefore getting simple dental work such as fillings and a scale and polish is allowed.


In most cases most pregnant patients put the safety of their unborn child first, so they usually choose traditional treatment which does not use medication and x-rays which will not affect their safety.


Therefore, during the second trimester it is safe to visit a dentist, but the dentist will likely advise that the expectant patient should hold off treatment until they have given birth. If it's dental problems like wisdom teeth pericoronitis and infections the dentist will advise to treat the symptoms and hold off root canal therapy, tooth extraction or any other type of invasive surgery till after the birth of the child.


Tips: Visit a Dentist Before Getting Pregnant

To avoid the pain and discomfort of dental problems during pregnancy we highly recommend that you see a dentist before trying to conceive. Especially ladies with wisdom teeth problems, cavities, gum disease and periodontitis which need to be treated early on.