Published on:2019-12-18
An impacted tooth is usually a tooth which has partially erupted for example a wisdom tooth also known as the third molar. In some cases an impacted wisdom tooth can damage the neighboring tooth causing an infection and a dentist would recommend that the wisdom tooth is removed as soon as possible.
Extracting a impacted tooth is rather complex and requires a dentist to be skilled for the extraction to be successful. How much does an extraction for a impacted tooth cost in Shenzhen?
The costs of extracting teeth is based on per tooth, for impacted wisdom teeth it could range from extracting 1 to 4 obviously the more teeth removed the more expensive the costs.
Extracting impacted teeth is more complex than a ordinary extraction with costs reaching over 1,000 RMB.
Prices for extracting impacted teeth on the upper and lower jaw are different. Generally speaking extracting wisdom teeth from the upper jaw is more complex.
Although extracting impacted teeth is rather complex but technology and skills of professional dentists are already very mature in Shenzhen. Therefore, choosing a qualified and professional dental clinic is vital for carrying out the extraction. As for how long will it take to complete the extraction will depend entirely on the skill of the dentist. The more experienced the dentist the quicker the extraction can be completed.