• 86-4000489168
  • Extracting an Impacted Tooth in Shenzhen

    An impacted tooth is usually a tooth which has partially erupted for example a wisdom tooth also known as the third molar. In some cases an impacted wisdom tooth can damage the neighboring tooth causing an infection and a dentist would recommend that the wisdom tooth is removed as soon as possible.  Extracting a impacted tooth is rat...

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  • Atraumatic Extraction Vs Normal Extraction

    The thought of having a tooth extracted is enough to make most people stressed and worried about the pain. What most people don't know is there are now several methods which can alleviate the pain. So which method is used for extracting wisdom teeth?    The normal extraction method has always been considered rather brut...

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  • Wisdom Tooth

        Wisdom teeth are the third molars of human beings, which usually erupt in late teens or early twenties. That’s why they’re called wisdom teeth. Generally speaking, each adult will have four wisdom teeth, but some may have fewer or more, in which case the extras are called supernumerary teeth.     &nb...

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