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How Long Does Orthodontic Treatment Take For Adults?

Published on:2020-1-7

How long does orthodontic treatment take for adults? A lot of patients are worried that they cannot go through with orthodontic treatment because of their age. So does age affect orthodontic treatment? How long does it take for adults to complete the treatment?


1. Adults can’t get braces?

Age is not the major factor for getting braces, it’s the health of the gums which determine whether adults can get braces. Once a dentist has carried out an oral examination and will advise whether getting braces is suitable for you.


2. How long does orthodontic treatment take for adults?

Generally speaking adult orthodontic treatment takes longer compared to children. The reason is because adult bone structure is set therefore it makes orthodontic treatment time harder to predict. Some adult treatment could take 1 to 2 years, for others it could take 3 years or more. How long treatment takes is directly linked to the severity of the case and the type of braces chosen.


3. Which type of braces are best?

There is a range of braces to choose from, so which type is best?


– Metal Braces: The traditional type of braces consist of metal brackets that are glued to your teeth using a special dental cement, then tied together by wires. In terms of costs they are the cheapest option but are not the best aesthetic option.  


– Ceramic Braces: This is where the brackets are ceramic instead of metal, although not as noticeable as metal braces they are more expensive.


– Clear Aligners: Clear aligners are basically invisible and are a great option for adults who want to be able to remove aligners when they want to. Though this option is rather expensive.


– Lingual Braces: These type of braces are fitted behind the teeth so effectively are invisible to the eye. These type of braces are custom made so they are the most expensive type of braces.