What are the risks and complications associated with orthodontic treatment? A lot of patients choose to through with orthodontic treatment to correct teeth alignment issues yet a lot of patients are not familiar with the risks and complications of orthodontic treatment. Choosing the incorrect type of orthodontic treatment will affect the ...
How long does orthodontic treatment take for adults? A lot of patients are worried that they cannot go through with orthodontic treatment because of their age. So does age affect orthodontic treatment? How long does it take for adults to complete the treatment? 1. Adults can’t get braces? Age is not the major factor for getting brac...
After interproximal reduction does that mean teeth are more susceptible to cavities? A lot of clients often ask what is interproximal reduction? What are the side effects? Is interproximal reduction linked to cavities? 1. Orthodontics & Interproximal Reduction What exactly is interproximal reduction? When is it used in orthodont...
During orthodontic consultations for adults a lot of patients ask if there is any harm when getting braces as an adult and if there are any side effects after the treatment. So is there any harm? What should adults expect before getting their braces fitted? Is there any harm for adults getting orthodontic treatment? Generally speaki...
A lot of patients have heard about buck teeth but are not familiar with the causes of buck teeth. In dentistry buck teeth is known as overjet and there are usually two types of reasons which causes this to happen which is linked to skeletal discrepancy or environmental factors. So which cause is more severe? 1. Skeletal Discrepa...
Exactly how long does orthodontic treatment take to complete? Every orthodontic case is unique so depending on the treatment plan design and how severe the case is the overall treatment time will vary for different cases. Generally speaking orthodontic treatment takes between 1 to 2 years to complete. Orthodontic treatmen...
Why is it that when treating overcrowded teeth with braces that some patients don’t require tooth extractions and some patients need to extract at least 4 teeth? Also which teeth are extracted? Different orthodontists provide different treatment plans so this will depend on individual cases so treatment will vary for different patients. &...
For gaps between teeth is it better to get braces or veneers? A dentist will advise which option is better depending on the size of the gaps. For small gaps then veneers are suitable, for larger gaps then braces would be a better option. The most commonly used methods for closing gaps between teeth are braces and veneers. However, in...
What should you do if a bracket becomes loose or falls off? The first thing you should do is contact your orthodontist for an appointment. One of the biggest concerns and worries when patients get braces is when the bracket becomes loose or has fallen. So why does a bracket become loose? How much do I need to pay the dentist to have it fi...
Why is it when different people choose to use Invisalign that some patients only need 20 sets of clear aligners whereas some patients need about 70 sets of clear aligners? How many sets of aligners are needed will depend on the severity of the case. More simple orthodontic treatment may only require approximately 20 to 30 sets of aligners...