Orthodontic treatment works usually by using braces to make the teeth move slowly into the correct position. However, if there are no gaps and the teeth are overcrowded, there is no way to correct them. This is when methods such as maxillary expansion and tooth extraction are used to create space between teeth. So which is better maxillar...
A lot of parents have expressed their view that pediatric dentistry costs are expensive in Shenzhen and are worried they are paying more than the need for their children’s dental care. So exactly just how much should you be paying? Parents are probably the most anxious when they hear that their child needs a tooth extracted. Is...
During your orthodontic consultation, your orthodontist will devise a treatment plan for your teeth. Whether this treatment requires extraction of teeth, fillings or other treatments your orthodontist will give you a price estimation. Extra Costs for Extractions & Fillings?Generally speaking before carrying out the orthodontic t...
The thought of having a tooth extracted is enough to make most people stressed and worried about the pain. What most people don't know is there are now several methods which can alleviate the pain. So which method is used for extracting wisdom teeth? The normal extraction method has always been considered rather brut...