Published on:2018-8-23
With malposition of wisdom teeth, there will be risk of developing pericoronitis, dental caries on themselves or adjacent teeth, mandibular pain and bruxism. What’s worse, such situations are prone to relapse. According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, it’s suggested to seek a timely extraction for wisdom teeth with any signs of such issues.
Only those wisdom teeth with a desirable eruption and without any inflammation, pain and decay can be preserved. As for others, in particular those in the following situations, mostly it’s an extraction that should be conducted.
1.Wisdom teeth leaning to the second molars. A dead corner will be formed if a wisdom tooth leans to the adjacent second molar, which is set to get food debris stuck. Over time it will boost bacterial growth and ultimately lead to dental caries of the second molar. Under such circumstance, you need to have the wisdom tooth removed, followed by a dental filling procedure for the affected second molar.
2.Decayed wisdom teeth. Due to their backmost positions, it’s quite hard to reach the wisdom teeth and have them effectively brushed. As a result, it’s common to see accumulation of food debris around wisdom teeth and eventually occurrence of tooth cavities. With any sign of dental caries on wisdom teeth, you should seek a check-up and get them extracted in time.
3.No counterpart wisdom teeth. For instance, there are only eruptions of maxillary wisdom teeth but not mandibular ones. If so, the wisdom teeth will experience hypermorphosis (overgrowth) and impact the occlusal relationship. That’s why an extraction is required.
4.Malpositioned wisdom teeth. Insufficient space coupled with deflective eruption, wisdom teeth will press on other teeth and cause inflammation of surrounding tissues. Thereby it’s necessary to pull them out.
5. Poor-hygienic wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth with poor cleaning and hygiene are set to result in caries or inflammation sooner or later. Keeping them in mouth serves as a potential risk. Relevant article: Extracting Wisdom Teeth Hurts?
Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)