Published on:2018-12-11
A root canal therapy will be needed when there is damage to tooth roots. Generally speaking, dentists will suggest patients to wear a crown following the procedure, for the sake of protection. Some people, however, wonder if the crown wearing after RCT is really necessary.
According to the dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, the crown after RCT is of great necessity. Although RCT serves to save the ill tooth, it also removes the dental nerves. In others words, the nutrition supply for the tooth has been severed, making the tooth more vulnerable.
When there is something wrong with tooth roots, great efforts should be made first to save the roots. RCT is among one of those efforts. After all, no dental prosthesis is as good as a natural tooth. Besides, artificial roots like dental implants will be more expensive than RCT. In very severe cases where tooth roots are no longer salvageable, however, you will get no choice but seek an extraction and a dental prosthesis afterwards.
Endodontic treatment is applied to fix the infection of dental nerves or severe apicitis. It refers to removing eroded tissues and devitalizing dental nerves, followed by gutta-percha filling. Since a tooth has more than one roots, the procedure will be a bit complicated to operate. Several visits in total will be required to complete the treatment. Dentists will go on checking the condition of the ill tooth until they confirm there is no pain and no infection-causing bacteria left inside. Then a crown restoration will follow.
With RCT applied, the tooth will lose a large amount of its natural tissues as well as its nutrition supply. As a result, the repaired tooth will be much more fragile and susceptible to fractures. It’s already quite hard to save the root and restore the tooth, so you’d better take good care of it after the procedure. Relevant article: Will an endodontically treated tooth function?
For the sake of both protection and aesthetics, a crown should be sought after RCT. With a crown, the repaired tooth will look close to a natural one. There are different materials available for crown, among them an all-ceramic one is quite good. It performs well not only in aesthetics, but also in mastication.
Consult with your dentist and choose the right one for your case. Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)