Published on:2019-1-4
Quite a few patients are troubled by the eruption of wisdom teeth whose number generally ranges from zero to four. By and large, extraction is required for wisdom teeth which don’t erupt fully in desirable positions. If you have four wisdom teeth, can all of them be removed at one time? If not, how many teeth can you extract during one visit?
According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, it varies depending on the specific condition of each patient.
First of all, a thorough examination should be taken to make sure whether there are four wisdom teeth in total and whether it’s necessary to remove them all. After getting to know the full picture of your teeth, your dentist is supposed to develop a customized treatment plan for you, including the number of teeth that should be extracted at each visit and the total fee of procedures. If you’ve got other questions, you can also consult with your dentist.
Generally speaking, how many wisdom teeth can be removed at a visit partially links with the overall health of patients. For those who have an excellent physical health, it’s fine to remove two wisdom teeth at the same side of mouth at a time. Otherwise, extraction should be performed on one tooth only at a time.
Besides, the complexity of the eruption of wisdom teeth should also be factored in. In cases of impacted wisdom teeth, the operation to remove them would be quite hard and complicated. Besides, the swelling and pain after the surgery will also be severer. Also, it would be harder to remove mandibular wisdom teeth than maxillary ones. Under such circumstances, you might as well extract one tooth at a time. Therefore, there is no definite answer to questions like how many dental visits do you need to get all your wisdom teeth removed. It can hardly be decided before clearly knowing your personal dental condition. Relevant article: A prosthesis needed after removing wisdom tooth?
Although tooth extraction is a very common procedure, it’s also necessary for you to seek the treatment from an experienced and skillful dentist, in order to ensure a successful result and prevent collateral damage.
Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)